The Short Form
Let’s bring the mood back up a tad, what say? My homey Sarah B sent me a nifty email quiz, and it’s been a while since I’ve done one. The theme of this one is that you only get one word to answer each question. This makes it hard to bring the funny, but I invite my readers (both of you) to comment with your guesses as to my meanings.
- Where is your cell phone? Hands
- Your significant other? HW
- Your hair? Lustrous
- Your mother? Responsible
- Your father? Quirky
- Your favorite thing? Bacon
- Your dream last night? Digits
- Your favorite drink? Beer
- Your dream/goal? Novel
- The room you’re in? Cubicle
- Your fear? Bankruptcy
- Where do you want to be in 6 years? Retired
- Where were you last night? Rehearsal
- What you’re not? Slender
- Muffins? Blueberry
- One of your wish list items? Knife
- Where you grew up? Wilmington
- The last thing you did? Amazon
- What are you wearing? Casual
- Your TV? Small
- Your pet? Cats
- Your computer? MacBook
- Your life? Eventful
- Your mood? Apprehensive
- Missing someone? JD
- Your car? Elderly
- Something you’re not wearing? Thong
- Favorite Store? Target
- Your summer? Busy
- Your favorite color? Blue
- When is the last time you laughed? Meeting
- Last time you cried? Tuesday
- Who will/would re-post this? Brian
- FOUR PLACES I GO OVER AND OVER: Work, Home, Church, In-Laws’
- FOUR PEOPLE WHO E-MAIL ME: Brian, Liz, Dad, Sarah
- FOUR OF MY FAVORITE FOODS: Cow, Chicken, Pig, Fish
- FOUR PLACES I WOULD RATHER BE RIGHT NOW: Home, Beach, Woods, Restaurant
- FOUR PEOPLE I HOPE RESPOND: McCain, Obama, Palin, Biden
For the last response, I suspended my use of proper titles to make it fit the rules. ‘Cause when you break the rules, THE RULES BREAK YOU.