Some late Friday links, because I just don’t have the energy left for extensive thought, and also ’cause there some shiznit y’all seriously need to see FOR REALS.

  • This is simultaneously the grossest and awesomest thing I’ve ever seen. Jeff The Giant Orange Cat wreaks havoc! NOTE: if you are in any way squeamish and/or vegan, I would avoid clicking, as you may well puke on your keyboard.
  • You may recall last week when I linked you to, the worlds most premieresty site for lolcats? I bring you: lolpresidents! (And for those of you who think this meme was old and busted 2 months ago, I say: suck it.)
  • I can’t remember if I linked to this last week and I’m way too lazy to check, so peep this: Passive-Aggressive Notes. I would do this kind of crap myself if I wasn’t such a wuss.
  • Are you a dork? Feeling like people are starting to think you might be turning cool, and want to blow them away with a project of such a dorky nature that they’ll stop bothering you and leave you to your “Magic: The Gathering” solitaire? Download these, print them out, cut, a little glue, and nobody will ever think of you as anything but a primo losoir! These, on the other hand, are the coolest thing since Sweet Baby Jesus invented glaciers.
  • This is totally normal. Lord knows, I feel the same way about this fellow and we haven’t even MET yet.
Categories: link day Tags:
  1. Stringer
    May 30th, 2007 at 20:56 | #1

    And I’m called weird for getting all tingly over the Halo 3 Legendary Edition (

  2. Anonymous
    June 7th, 2007 at 00:56 | #2

    i hereby revoke your use of’s popular blogs.

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