I didn’t watch the Grammys (Grammies? I personally despise making it plural via adding an apostrophe (as in, “Grammy’s”) because that makes Baby Jesus cry) last night, so I don’t really have anything important to say. Apparently the Police got back together, which is pretty awesome, but I missed it because I was asleep, because I had a DEVASTATING WEEKEND OF FUN. More on that later. What’s important is that the Police played, but Juliet Huddy reported on FOX this morning that it seemed kinda boring, and we listen to everything she says because she is hot.
Re: weekend of fun: I was hella busy all weekend. I covered oncall Friday night, and then Saturday morning rode with Craig down to DC to meet Some Boyz for a Bachelor Fiesta! We started out at the ESPN Zone, or rather most of us did; Kyle and I trotted over to the Verizon nee MCI center to see about hockey tickets. They had none cheaper than $90, so we laughed heartily and said, dang. So much for hockey.
BUT! Kyle, being heck of inventive, called his wife, and got her out of the shower to get online and search for tickets for us. She found some via a place called StubHub, which turned out to have a location very near the arena, so she put the tickets on Kyle’s credit card and all was gravy. After Kyle got off the phone with her, he turned to me and said:
“I’m pretty sure she bought those tickets while naked.”
“I’m going to be thinking about that all game. Thanks!”
“Me too, man.”
I’m glad we were able to get seats, since our backup plan was to get tickets to the International Spy Museum, which was also nearby. Instead, we went back to the ESPN Zone and watched sports for roughly 4 hours while I drank martinis. THEN: To the arena!
I’ve been to many hockey arenas in my time (okay, 4) and I’ve never yet come across one that sells anything but overpriced beer, but let me tell you, The Verizon nee MCI Center has a bar. That sells gin. So I bought two. I’ve never been so happy at a sporting event since, and this is a hilarious story that I like to tell, I was at a Virginia Tech @ Rutgers football game with Kyle and Hiz Crew O’ Mizfitz, and I bought 4 large hot dogs. I got to my seat, ate two hot dogs, and then they played the national anthem so I stood up and removed my hat, then sat back down on the bleacher and watched the first few minutes of the game. After a little while, I said, “Man, those hot dogs were good. I wish I had more.” Only then did I remember that I had NOT eaten them all, and in fact had two more sitting immediately to my right. It was like Baby Jesus had shown a bright light of love down on me, in the middle of all that chaos.
Buying gin at a hockey game is very similar. Cost me $8 per drink, but that wasn’t much worse than the beers (I later paid $14 for two Michelob Ultras, which are notable for two things:
- They are somewhat low carb (although not much lower than Miller Lite, to be honest), and
- They have a taste that is surprisingly reminiscent of what the water from your well would taste like if your septic system started leaking into it.)
The game wasn’t memorable; there were a couple of fights, which is always fun, but it was hard to see what was happening since we were in the absolute last row of the place. Seriously. I’ve never been so far away from a sporting event and still had to pay $40 to see it. The Capitals lost.
Then we went back to Barrett’s (the emphasis is on the first syllable, which is much more manly than if he’d been named after a hair clip) for poker, at which I won everybody’s money. This was doubly frustrating for Kyle because
- I am not known for my poker-playing prowess, because I have all the patience of a fat kid in a chocolate factory, and
- I was WILDLY inebriated.
Then Craig drove me home, which was kind of him since I fell asleep once he was safely on the interstate.
The next day I got up, on about 4 hours of sleep, and had to go to church, then play in a piano recital for schoolchildren (it wasn’t a COMPLETE embarrassment), and then sing a short concert to benefit a Quaker school.
Then I came home and played with my son for a while because he was driving Sarah insane; he can now crawl rather expertly, and his desire to put the entire world in his mouth is unabated. This results in us having to grab him every 10 minutes and pull things out of his mouth, things like paper, foam torn from the upholstery of an old chair, cat fur, cat tails, wires (oh, how he loves electrical wires), cat food, carpet fibers, and Sarah’s toes. Sarah had been doing this, with small breaks for sleep, for 36 hours, and so I took over for a while so that she’d stop making her head spin around like she does. (She’s been fighting a flu/cold combination for about a week now and the pressure is starting to tell.)
And then I slept for about 11 straight hours, which might have been the highlight of the weekend if I hadn’t had to go to work in the morning.