Link day, y’all! HECK YES!
- I got a new haircut yesterday, and trust me, I definitely considered this. It was simply fear of my violent wife’s wrath that kept me looking my usual self.
- It’s new! It’s fast! It…is it frowning at me? That’s an interesting marketing ploy.
- I admit: in an effort to understand this comic, I looked up the Ackermann Function as well as whatever g64 is. I think the brain overload gave me cancer.
- This reminded me of my Recording professor at Peabody, Alan Kefauver, who had a reputation for making dumb freshmen believe that if you held a piece of recording tape to your ear and ran your thumbnail on it at just the right speed, you would hear the recording stored thereupon. He didn’t try to pull it on me, which nice ’cause I’m an idiot and would probably have tried it, but now I can pretend I wouldn’t have fallen for it.
- The beauty of socialised medicine! (Spelt all Britishly ’cause the story’s all Britishy.)
- Speaking as a Fat American, this is hilarious.
That’s all I got! So…bye!
d00d. That’s a BIG EFFING BOARD on Alan’s site. All I get to fondle is a 32×8 mackie.