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Even as we speak, a supremely competent fellow named Joe is installing Verizon FiOS in our new house. (Well, new to us. The house was built before my great-great-grandparents were born.) My excitement is ExxxxTRREEEEEEM. I’ve wanted to try FiOS for a while, since a package including basic TV, internet, and phone is the same price as my comcast package. So I’m basically going to save the equivalent of a phone bill every month, which is not insignificant. I’ll also not have to deal with Comcast, who do not offer ESPN Classic as part of their digital package, an oversight for which I’ve been waiting years to punish them.

Moving continues apace; we’ve been hauling boxes and bags of anything that fits into our cars, and I donated my motorcycle to a buddy who hauled a bunch of furniture up for us. Hopefully we’ll actually be able to start actually sleeping here in a few weeks, after we rent a massive truck to haul our beds and other furniture.

Like I said: excitement. EXXXXxxxXtreeee3AM excitement.

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  1. Kyle
    August 26th, 2009 at 00:20 | #1

    FiOS is AWESOME. It is AWESOME. The picture is better (both the HD and the low-def picture), the internet is faster, I too saved a phone bill per month by switching, and also never have to deal with Comcast again. It’s like a win-win-win.

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