
Archive for the ‘wtf’ Category

Gotta get down on Friday

January 9th, 2015 1 comment

Facebook is infuriating. You’d think it wouldn’t be that big a challenge to set things up so that when I publish a new post, it posts to my feed, but nay nay, it requires creating an “app”, going through a ton of privacy policy BS, and applying for some sort of approval to post to my own damn feed. I spent about two hours on it, which is about how long it would cumulatively take me to cut and paste about 400 post links to my feed manually over the next year.

Facebook: suck it.

Today I managed to get in most of the workouts I wanted to do, since zero precipitation meant I could go for a nice run, even if I did have to tread lightly so I didn’t slip on ice and turn some important joint into ligament pudding. First I did my Overhead Press and Squat workout, and was hoping to do some light bench press work but bumped up against my hour limit so I only got a few sets in. Then I ran for a half hour, nice and slow, keeping my heart rate low. (One of these days I’ll talk a bit about heart rate training.) Then throughout the day (I work from home on Fridays) I was able to get in my 30 chins, 30 pushups, and 2.5 minutes of planks. After taking off a couple weeks from all activity and watching my max chinup set drop down to 6, I was pleased that yesterday and today I maxed out at 8 and 9 rep sets, respectively.

Food-wise, I’m probably not as careful as I should be on Fridays, but figure that having lifted weights, a few extra carbs won’t kill me. After my run I ate a banana, and then got a bunch of leftover pork from last night and inhaled it, and later made some eggs with turkey bacon and toast. Dinner was chicken tacos, not my favorite, but the kids really enjoy them. I imagine before bedtime I’ll probably indulge in some cereal or other carby snacks ’cause gainz brah.

Today’s weight: 230 (-1) again. Not having significant fluctuations in carb intake like a true Leangains-style diet means not having significant fluctuations in weight, either. I haven’t been super-careful about calories this week, and plan to continue trying to eat clean without religiously counting for a few weeks, along with maintaining my 1-9pm fasting window. Hopefully that and 4-5 cardio sessions a week will help me drop fat, but if I fail to see my weight drop I’ll start counting everything I eat, which will suuuuuck.

Categories: rolling with the fatness, wtf Tags:

Discuss ALL the things!

May 18th, 2012 No comments

Let’s blast through a number of interesting topics on this Freaky Friday:

  • I’m always amazed at people who think that stuff happens to them in some kind of vacuum. Folks who associate with douchebags, and then are surprised when those douchebags treat them like crap. Folks who have 4 kids with 3 different partners and wonder why their children act crazy. Folks who do everything in their power to hold up traffic and complain about tailgaters.

    I know sometimes cause and effect can be difficult to see, but c’mon, y’all. Please, just stop being dumb. I know it’s a lot to ask, but please try.

  • This is a detailed article about Junior Seau, and why the middle linebacker position is the most dangerous in football, and probably in all sports that don’t involve being gored by a bull:
    A middle linebacker is taught from his first organized game to use his head and helmet as the first contact point when tackling and when shedding drive blocks of linemen and fullbacks who have the advantage of a running head start.

    Terrifying. Then I read this’n:
    The N.F.L. is making some of its former players aware of a study that found that they are likely to live longer than men in the general population…The government study found a lower death rate among former N.F.L. players than among men in the general population — the institute had expected to find that 625 members of the group it studied would be dead based on estimates from the general population, but instead found that 334 of the retired players had died. Former players also had a lower rate of cancer-related deaths — 85 players died from the disease, compared with the 146 cancer-related deaths researchers at the institute expected. And the rate of deaths from heart disease was lower, too — 126 players died from heart disease; Niosh had expected 186 deaths.

    I guess it shouldn’t be terribly surprising, given the extreme fitness of the skill positions; having a bunch of ex-wide receivers and defensive backs in there is going to make the overall results look pretty good. On the other hand,
    The study did not address the cognitive and mental health issues that have recently been linked to repeated blows to the head and that currently dominate the conversation about player safety.

    They may live longer, but if their brains are leaking slowly out of their ears, I suspect it’s not a particularly pleasant life.

    Note to self: my boys will play tackle football over my cold, stiff corpse.

  • While we’re on the subject of sports:
    • Sshhh…the Phils have won 5 straight, are a game over .500, and while they’re still in last place in the division they’re only 4 games back. Chase Utley has been taking BP and fielding practice in Clearwater. We got high hopes, y’all.

    • The Flyers got knocked out, so I haven’t been paying even a lick of attention to hockey. Are the Whalers still in it? How about the North Stars?

    • I think the Sixers, sadly, have met their match. The Celtics are pretty elderly, but they know exactly how to win. As long as they keep it close, experience will take care of the rest; the best the Sixers can hope for is a 12 point lead with 3 minutes to go. Which can happen if they get hot, but…can they get hot for 3 out of 4 remaining games? At least the Heat seem to be getting manhandled by the Pacers; if LeWade and the Dominos get knocked out in the second round my heart will grow three sizes that day.

    • The Eagles signed Shady McCoy to a big contract…good for him. I’m sure I’ll watch the Eagles, but football tastes pretty sour since the players seem to average about 3 good post-retirement years before developing Alzheimer’s.

    • In Soccer news, Liverpool played crap ball since Christmas. Aside from the League Cup win, that is. On our side of the pond, Philadelphia Union is horrible, but the US Men’s squad has won its last three international matches and has a good chance in the Olympics this summer. They have to play France (awfully tough), Colombia (less tough), and North Korea (which has a team consisting entirely of Oompa Loompas). Are you asleep yet? Let’s move on.

    • In weightlifting news, I squatted 365 and benched 235 today, with which my 410lb deadlift from Wednesday puts me in the “Thousand Pound” club. I may try and bump those numbers next week, because I feel like I can do more, and I’m in an online powerlifting meet, and also the ladies love big squat numbers. Really. Ask any lady.

  • President Obama came out in favor of gay marriage last week, following the vote by a bunch of rednecks to keep homosexuals second class citizens. This is great and all, but forgive my skepticism for not thinking that white trash voters aren’t likely to be swayed by the black guy in the white house.

That’s about all I’ve got for the day, so have a nice weekend, and stay loose, killers.

Categories: link day, sporty spice, wtf Tags:

The search continues…

May 10th, 2012 No comments

It’s been a few months since the last time we looked at the search engine queries that lead people to, but let me tell you: I continue to apparently be America’s main source of information about Dwyane Wade. Some of the searches that led folks here:

dwyane wade muscle 30 (searches)
dwyane wade muscles 18
dwyane wade men’s health 9
dwyane wade shirtless 7
dwayne wade muscle 3
dwyane wade body fat 3
In order to knock out these questions in order: yes, I believe D-Wade has muscles, I am fairly certain he is concerned about men’s health in general and prostate health in particular, his body fat is somewhere around 10%, and he actually looks better IN a shirt because of his skin tone and sad eyes. I’m not sure how to answer this one:

d’wade you mad 2
because I find it difficult to believe that a professional athlete, particularly one in the top 10 players in his sport, could ever really be mad about anything. Then again:

D-Wade IS mad!

I got a lot of these:

thatching rake 18
thatching race 3
I think we should clear this up; a thatching rake is this:

A thatching race, however, is this:

Know the difference. Since I’ve been posting a lot about diet and training, I of course get a lot of hits from folks who are trying to get in shape.

how to gain 15 pounds of fat 16
before and after running weight loss 9
before and after running 8
running weight loss before and after 8
ideal protein diet before and after pictures 8
running before and after 7
running before and after weight loss 6
weight loss running before and after 5
before and after weight running 5
skinny to muscular before and after 4
Just a gentle reminder to everyone: if you’re running to lose weight, and aren’t being careful about your diet, you will look like this:


If you diet right, you don’t even need to run, which is good, because running hurts, and it sucks. I write one little post like eleventy-bajillion years ago about my car, and the hits just keep on comin’:

protege 98 10
98 mazda protege 9
mazda protege 1998 9
mazda protege 98 8
It’s worth noting that I donated that car roughly 5 years ago. All I can tell you about it was that it was very reliable and utterly boring.

dunkin donuts chocolate glazed donut 3
They are FRICKING DELICIOUS. Please don’t ask about them again, you may have heard I’m on a diet.

maria bamford husband 2
I had forgotten who Maria Bamford is, so I checked Wikipedia, and it turns out she’s a stand-up comedian. The article makes no mention of a husband, just a couple of dogs, so I think just contact her agent and try and get them digitz, playa.

a tired rugby player after 30 minutes 2
is a rugby player who’s not scoring a lot of trys or, uh, what’s the other way you can score in rugby? Wickets? Chukkers? I can’t remember. Speaking of scoring in rugby:

rugby players f***ing 3
chubby rugby player 2
big rugby player testicles 2
naked rugby players 2
hot rugby ass 2
gay pacific rugby 1
Most of these are the result of a post I wrote a few months ago in which I mentioned that rugby players are tough, and American football players are (usually) not. Apparently there’s a demographic for rugby nookie, and at least one person out there interested in getting a little Ring of Fire Homo Rugby Love, which would be an excellent name for a Hindi-Pop band.

rae dawn chong 4
rae dawn chong naked 4
rae dong chong naked 3
rae dawn chong hot 2
rae dawn chong ass 2
I can’t really help y’all with the “nude” part, because this is family website and all, but here’s a nice portrait I stole from, which I visit almost daily:

Afro, in style.

I really, really don’t know what’s going on here:

freddy mercury the only acceptable duckface 3
freddie mercury balancing on a ball 3
freddie mercury on a bench 2
I don’t think the duckface is ever really acceptable, perse, but we do give the late Freddie some allowances, since he was fricking awesome, and everything. I mean, this actually happened:

And this:

And oh god my eyes this:

So you know what? If Freddie Mercury wants to make a duckface…you let him.

freddie mercury teeth 2
Not his finest feature.

woman lifts wieghts with ass 2
That seems…ill-advised, and misguided.

matt hearn gay sports massage 1
Where do I sign up?

plumber’s cleavage photo 1
Yeah, not going there. Unless the plumber in question is Hayley Atwell.

rascal flatts stand on the piano 2
I feel like that would be awfully damaging to the piano. I mean, that lead singer is awfully husky.

“dog flavored cigarettes” 2
I thought Google was blocked in China?

quantum energy slim line carp 2,75 lb 1

bacon dinosaur 1

That’s about it. I suspect next time we do this there will be nothing but searches for Freddie Mercury’s nipples. I’m okay with that.

Categories: wtf Tags:

Dream analysis, yet again

April 19th, 2012 No comments

Had us a nice little vacation last week. Went down to Ocean View with the folks, ate like pigs, swam in the indoor pool in the clubhouse, chased the kids around the yard, drank entirely too much. After 3 days of this my body simply rebelled. I felt like six asses all last week. (Punctuation is important: “I felt, like, six asses all last week” would be a different matter possibly resulting in divorce proceedings, criminal charges, and PETA protests.)

Last Saturday was spent mostly at Little League, because we had the opening ceremonies, picture-taking, and the opening game, all spaced out perfectly to maximize our inconvenience. Opening ceremonies were from 8:30-9:30am, and then pictures didn’t start until 12:30, and of course the game itself was at 3pm, meaning we basically had time to go home and then drive back. I managed to at least get a little yard work done after the game, which I had to frantically finish on Sunday before friends came over, at which point my diet went out the window and I drank beer and ate barbecued flesh like I was being placed in stasis for a trip to Mars.</NERD>

But I need your help with a little bit of dream analysis, because I’m worried that I’ve edged a little closer to the deep end and treading the dark waters of sanity is becoming somewhat harrowing. (Apparently I’ve turned into H.P. Lovecraft again.)

I dreamt the other night that I had gone to see organist Peter Richard Conte perform on some kind of theatre organ, but which turned out to be very oddly operated in that he spent most of his time running around banging on drums and actually blowing on pipes with his mouth to make the sounds. Suddenly, I found myself actually in the pipe chamber with him, as he conducted some kind of interview of me, broadcast to the audience outside, in which I did some of celebrity impressions and a host of funny voices.

Apparently the audience loved this, because as I left the interview the crowd outside went nuts. I then found myself at some kind of outdoor high school bonfire being congratulated by everyone I met, assured that I would soon find great success in television, and to escape the throng I ran off towards some large field with a massive climbing net or web, a football field wide and hundreds of feet high.

I’d like to say I then dreamt Mr. Conte appeared as a big spider in the web and ate my feet, but that would not be true as actually I simply woke up.

Important note: I had gone to bed stone sober. What, in the name of all that is holy, does all of this mean? Am I, in the words of noted psychologist Kanye West, “cray?”

Categories: dear diary, wtf Tags:

Through The Night

March 12th, 2012 3 comments

This will have to be quick ’cause you know how time be all CRAY CRAY. So, two things: the first, a fitness update, and the second, the greatest music video produced since Journey’s “Separate Ways“.

I spent about 6 weeks eating very few carbs and a great many hunks of meat and cheese, a diet that has worked well for me in the past, and did so again, sort of; I lost about 20 pounds in those 6 weeks, but unfortunately, lifting weights without any carbs to help rebuild muscle suuuuuuucks. My strength dropped rather precipitously (after squatting 347.5 pounds for 5 solid reps in January, I’ve been having trouble with 315, and anything above 250 or so feels dangerously heavy). My bench press has dropped about 15 pounds as well, and after hitting 405 pounds on the deadlift for 5 reps a few weeks ago I was able to lift it exactly once during last Wednesday’s workout.

So, ’tis time for a change. After doing some googlin’, I decided to go with the LeanGains diet that Martin Berkhan came up with. It’s an “intermittent fasting” plan that involves 16 hours a day of not eating anything (o nooooes) and 8 hours of getting the nutrition you need. You then cycle your intake so you take in a bunch of carbs and protein on workout day to keep muscle mass, and eat at a significant deficit on rest days to keep fat loss rolling. If it works as advertised, I should be able to lose about a pound of fat a week and keep all my pretty musckles that I’ve worked so hard to develop. I started on Saturday, and I can report that the deficit days are somewhat difficult, particularly on a weekend when there’s Happenings happening that usually involve food and booze, but I managed to be fairly good and not blow out my intake. The whole “not eating until after noon” thing actually HELPS, once you get used to it, because then instead of 3 small meals, you get 2 larger ones. Supposedly after a week or so, your body just gets used to not having breakfast, and stops signaling you to eat in the morning. I’m interested to see how that works out, what with my love of donuts and pastries and eggs and…sob…bacon.

Workout day is great, of course. After not eating all morning, I worked out over lunch and got back to work and ate 2 pork chops, a big bag of broccoli, a turkey sammich, an apple, a bag of potato chips, and a huge cup of milk and protein. Total caloric intake: 1900 calories. 206g of protein. I was so full I thought I might asplode.

I’m also switching workout programs; the Madcow 5×5 routine is probably a great workout when you’re eating enough to gain weight, but it’s nearly unbearable when you’re trying to cut fat. Too much volume, and with the ramping sets, you get pretty worn out by the time you hit the max weight. The aforementioned Martin (read the LeanGains site, it’s super informative) recommends something called “RPT,” or Reverse Pyramid Training. The idea is that if you ramp your sets upwards, hitting your max only on the last set, you’ve already tired yourself out and won’t be able to lift the biggest weight as well (exactly what was happening with me on Madcow). Since the biggest weight is theoretically the most important set, Martin advises you lift it FIRST (after a few easy warmup sets, of course), and then back the weight off for 1 or 2 subsequent sets. You’re more likely to get all your reps that way, since you haven’t blown out all your energy on lesser weights. Since the muscles are pretty glycogen-depleted (as a result of not eating anything all morning), they don’t have enough energy, and getting the hardest work done first is the best way to achieve, if not muscle gain, at least minimal muscle loss.

I can report it works pretty well, although I have to admit that after squatting 315 for 5 reps earlier, the thought of taking off 30 pounds and then doing a set of 6, followed by taking off another 30 and doing a set of 7, did not please me. I survived, however, so I’ll add more weight for the next workout and see how things feel.

Okay, enough of that nonsense. This, right here, is the top video of 2012 as voted by a Team of Professionals, consisting of me and some of my friends and relatives.

Categories: rolling with the fatness, wtf Tags:


February 20th, 2012 No comments

It’s been a loooooooong-A time since I’ve made fun of the…unique, let’s say, searches that people put into their googlers that lead them to this site, so let’s make the MAGIC happen! (The numbers at the end of each line are the number of searches made with that string, that led people all up ins hurr.) Apparently Dwyane Wade is a popular fellow:

dwyane wade muscle 70
dwyane wade muscles 32
dwyane wade men’s health 14
dwyane wade shirtless 11

Those are just the top 4 of literally dozens of ways of saying “Hey Google, I wanna see naked D-Wade, get on it.” Well, heaven forfend I fail to please my “fans,” so here you go, America: Dwyane’s balls.

There were also a bunch of things related to fitness, which is hardly surprising since I’ve been rapping on that topic frequently:

how to gain 15 pounds of fat 15
running weight loss before and after pictures 8
south beach diet before and after 6
will love handles ever go away if enough weight is lose 3

The answer to the last one is, of course, “Yes, if you are Dwyane Wade.” Apparently people are fond of tennis, as well:
andrea petcovic 15

I only vaguely remember mentioning Andrea Petkovic in a post from 18 months ago, but apparently it’s enough to get over a dozen hits in the past 3 months from people looking for her. If only someone could have predicted that just dropping the names of attractive women is the way to a high hit-count? Megan Fox, Katharine McPhee, and Kate Upton know what I’m talking about.

I gave away my old Mazda almost 4 years ago, and yet old posts keep bringing the hits.

mazda protege 98 5
1998 mazda protege white 5
1996 mazda protege white 5
98 protege 4

That was a good little car that deserved a better driver than me, and we donated it to some kind of shady agency that I’m sure uses it to transport drugs up and down the eastern seaboard. ::pours out a small bottle of 10-40 oil for his homie::

matt hearn auburn 2

I’m really more of a dirty blonde, really. In that my hair is somewhat blond, and I am personally dirty, and I think you know what I’m talkin’ about. I’m talkin’ DOWNTOWN.

white guy 3

Now you’ve got my number.

running butt before after 2

I really hope this actually belongs up with the fitness-related searches, and isn’t the final google search of two completely separate poor souls whose butts are running.

guy eating guy who looks like a thumb 2


milrf 2

Mothers I’d Like to…Ridiculously F***? Religiously? Rastafarianly?

the 2

That sounds like a decent name for a medium-sized jazz combo, amirite?

souped up tempo 2
hi hat with a souped up tempo 2

I’m on a roll. It’s time to go solo.

transgender elf 2

Somebody get Will Ferrell on the phone RIGHT THE HECK NOW.

fish oil and testicals size 2

I wish they’d specified if the problem was shrinkage or inflation.

vera zvonareva feet 2

Probably pretty stinky, right?

enormus testicles 2

Is this just narrowing down the fish-oil problem?

plumber’s cleavage 1

1) Why would you actually search for this? 2) What have I done wrong that it led you HERE?

how does a woman look if she weigh 150 1

Probably pretty hot, unless she’s only 4 feet tall.

“my father’s perm” 1

This might’ve been me. I need to get my hands on the pictures of my dad from the 70s, his hair was beyond description.

do lips stay small after weight loss? 1

Not to get too gross, but…which ones?

many men has one testicle 1

It sounds like the fish-oil problem led to a serious explosion, and some poor fellow is just trying to reassure himself that everything’s gonna be okay.

college dudes 245 1


daniel craig duckface 1

He is notorious, isn’t he?

ychromes delaware a cappella songs wacking off 1

I’m proud to admit that 1) I know the song in reference is “Prayin’ For Daylight,” originally by Rascal Flatts, 2) I arranged it, and 3) I sang lead on it when I was still in the group.

how to lose facts in ass in one week 1

I…I guess just kinda lube up an encyclopedia and do the best you can in the time you have?

hands and knees sex elf 1

I feel like could probably help here too?

strict but funny 1

Sounds like my sex life. ::rim shot::

Have a pleasant week, allsayalls!

Categories: tmi, wtf Tags:


October 6th, 2011 No comments

I don’t know what the hell is wrong with people. Okay, I get it, there’s no iPhone 5 this October. I guess if you’re a complete idiot who knows nothing more about technology than “5 is a bigger number than 4,” this is a serious disappointment. But let’s go over a few important facts:

iPhone 4iPhone 4S
ProcessorApple A4Dual-core Apple A5
Still camera5MP8MP
Video720p HD1080p HD
Incredible AI-Voice Recognition applicationnoneSiri

I’ve left out memory comparisons (because we don’t know what the memory in the 4S is, yet) and the new dual-antenna wireless connection (because I’m not sure how big a grain of salt to take with the prediction of doubling cellular data speeds). Still: in what ridiculous crack-den world are folks living in that this is anything less than a major upgrade? They could call it “iPhone Zero” and it would be completely awesome. Sure, if I already had an iPhone 4, I wouldn’t feel the need to upgrade. But if you have to upgrade your smartphone every single year, I’m going to predict that you’re a major douchekabibble anyway. Like, you know, this guy:
There’s nothing really notable, physically, about the iPhone 4S in comparison to the iPhone 4. Do you have an iPhone 4? Pick it up. Look at it. Turn it over. There, you’ve just done an iPhone 4S hands-on. Congratulations!

Seriously? Your initial reaction to the release of a new phone with twice the CPU is “Sigh, it’s the same shape!” I wonder if this idiot refuses to buy DVDs or BlueRays because they’re the same form-factor as a CD.

This phone is obviously an upgrade over the iPhone 4, and if you’re like me and still floundering along on an old 3G, it’s like going from an IBM XT to an Alienware scream machine. I’m not sure when Apple will actually open the store to get this phone, but I plan to stay up until midnight in case they’ll take my order at 12:01 on October 7th. A few other notes on the subject:

The “back” (or primary) camera went from 5 to 8 megapixels, but that may be the least of its improvements. They’ve opened the aperture to f/2.4 for better low-light shooting (I prefer using a fast aperture over using a flash), and the new lens has 5 elements to sharpen the photos. Plus, image stabilization in the video mode, which is now 1080p (better HD resolution than my Flip).

Siri looks totally rad, although I need to use it to really see if it’s useful. I’ve had other phones with voice recognition, and it was little more than a gimmick. I also don’t fully trust AI after being boned so many times over by that damned paperclip.

I’m largely indifferent to this iCloud thing as well; we’ll see how well it works. Having only 5GB of free storage makes it next to useless, really, although I guess being able to use it to back up your phone before doing a PC-less upgrade is pretty win.

Mostly, frankly, I’m just excited to have a phone that can background apps, do Facetime, and not have things constantly crash because 128MB of DRAM doesn’t cut it with iOS4 apps.

Categories: FirstWorldProblems, techno, wtf Tags:

Et tu, Amazon?

September 6th, 2011 1 comment

I’ll admit: I did not follow the directions to the letter. I have a number of tools powered by 2-cycle engines, and experience starting them in adverse conditions (rain, snow, etc.), so I assumed that my brand-ass new Husqvarna leafblower would operate similarly. So I took the can of fuel (a 50 to 1 gasoline and oil mixture that I refill approximately every 2 years) and poured it in. Yanked the starter, and she fired right up! I blew leaves around in great glee for 10 or 15 minutes, and then shut the blower down to bag the leaves up.

After having done so, I attempted to restart the blower, but no matter what combination of choke, throttle, and priming I tried, it wouldn’t fire. I consulted the manual and the internet, and discovered that the engine was picky about fuel. To be specific, it required exactly the right mixture of new gasoline (no older than a month), Husqvarna-specific 2-cycle oil, a stabilizer, and three unicorn tears, stirred exactly 47 times counter-clockwise with a phoenix feather. My first thought was, “Well, this is ridiculous. I’ll just send it back.” Which is where I discovered my mistake: I’d ordered the blower from, and they do not allow you to send things back that run on gasoline.

In their defense, I think one leaky tank of flammable petrol in the belly of a FedEx jet is one too many. So I understand. What I don’t understand is why no warning was made of this anywhere in the ordering process. Sure, if you check their rules, it mentions it, along with 18 other pages of legalese that no Amazon customer in the history of the internet has read. It’s like expecting me to know what’s in the iTunes EULA, or my mortgage contract (“Be it known forthwith after the previous payment hath been twice En-late-enated, the Mortgageer, henceforth known as the ‘Deadbeat,’ shall release unto the custody of the nearest Notary Public Two (3) Children between the ages of 1 and 7 until such time as the Bacon shall be seen to Float from East to West despite a strengthening Jet Stream…”). I would like to think that before ordering something that can’t be returned, Amazon might put up a splash page saying “Hey! You know you can’t return this, right? Just, you know, so you know.”

So I was left with a deluxe backpack leafblower with what I assume is a clogged carburetor and no way to return it. My only option was to drop it off at a local dealer a few miles away and hope that the repairs are covered under warranty. It’s been almost 10 days with no word, which worries me a bit. Hopefully they haven’t had to surrender it to the bank for late payment.

Categories: FirstWorldProblems, wtf Tags:


January 29th, 2011 No comments

Holy crap! I don’t sound like complete ass! Here is mp3 evidence:
The People That Walked In Darkness

I’ll make love to…this beer

January 3rd, 2011 2 comments

Oh yes. This happened.

You’re right, I have had professional vocal training!

Categories: mad fun, music, wtf Tags: