
Wow, it’s been like 3 weeks and a day. That is pretty sad, for someone who prides himself on…well…I’m not sure what I pride myself on. Food consumption, I guess, and I’m also remarkably good at growing zits.

Anyway, you might be curious about what’s been going on, but probably not. The new job really has me hoppin’, and I’m loathe to do anything but, you know, actually work, because I’d like to keep my job. (At CSC getting fired would have been almost a pleasure, so I did a significant portion of my blogging from the office.) The Brandywiners show (“Oklahoma!”) has me at one rehearsal or another almost every night, and we haven’t even gone out to Longwood (the location of the outdoor theater) yet. Things are gonna get mad hectic. MAD. HEC. TIC. TAC. TOE.

That went to a weird place.

Anyway, some quicky notes:

  • I love my new MacBook. (You may have read about it in an earlier post.) There’s all kinds of radness associated with it, and I finally managed to get all my favorite programs installed. Woo! Woo. If you’ve got the means (they’re roughly twice as expensive as a comparable PC), I highly recommend picking one up.
  • I finally got around to starting to use Shutterfly, bringing me into approximately 2004. I’m catching up, I swear! Anyway, you can hit up to look at some recent pictures, and even download or order quality prints of ’em if you’ve of a mind to.
  • While I’m in the picture-editing mode, hopefully I’ll have new pictures of Charles to put up in the next day or two. I mean, I have the pictures; hopefully they’ll be up. If you’re curious, he’s the size of a prize calf. It’s like feeding a full-grown St. Bernard, except blonder and louder.

Yeah, that’s what I got. Hopefully I’ll see you in less than 3 weeks. No promises, though.

Categories: artsy fartsy, dear diary, wtf Tags:
  1. Mike Paxson
    July 8th, 2008 at 16:39 | #1

    Hello Matt,
    Congratulations on the new job. I am glad you’re finding it enjoyable. Sorry to hear about the Mac addiction. Perhaps there is a shot or some medication you can take to clear up the problem. Don’t get me wrong, I understand the addiction. I have been coveting them since they put Unix under the hood, but still can’t bring myself to buy one.

    Anyways, take care.

  2. Anonymous
    July 9th, 2008 at 19:28 | #2

    Um, no props to your seester for squeezing out another hearnburger?

    Says Tee-gar.

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