Man, local civic associations are AWESOME!
Wait, did I say awesome? I meant POINTLESS, ANNOYING, AND LAME.
We have a nice neighborhood civic association to whom we give twenty bucks a year, in exchange for which they operate some kind of community watch and send out monthly letters begging deadbeats to send in their dues. (They’ve actually started publishing the addresses of folks who don’t send in the cash, which I find greatly amusing; so far my block has been pretty good about paying up, because the monthly flyers seem to imply I’m expected to join a roving band of vigilantes to walk up to miscreant households and torch them to the ground.)
From these monies they also pay for mowing of the community park areas, and snow plowing in the winter. Which would be great if the plowing was done. It ain’t gettin’ done, son. You may have noticed on Wednesday that we had a pretty significant snow/sleet/freezing rain “event,” resulting in 2-4 inches (depending on where you measure it) of rock-hard ice on our streets and lawns. My wife spent about an hour yesterday chipping it off of our cars. (I would have helped, but it was HECK of cold out there.)
Now it’s been sitting for a day, and is thusly not going to melt until August, so we get the joy of driving over it for a few months. AWESOME! Er, LAME!
Okay, sure, the community watch does seem to deter crime; we haven’t had a murder in our neighborhood in 2 or 3 years (true story). And I do approve of them getting the grass mowed rather than, you know, letting it overgrow the jungle gym. Now if they could just find a way to prevent my across-the-street neighbors from parking all their crappy cars in front of my house. (Sadly, it turns out it’s illegal to slash their tires! Who knew?)