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I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. Mine was fraught with obesity! I ate so much that I did not have to eat again for roughly 14 hours. (Given that I’m usually rustling through the pantry every 30 minutes, that’s a major accomplishment.) Note that I said I didn’t have to. That didn’t stop me from doing so: there was pie, you see. I had four pieces!

In the interests of goodness and kindness in this holiday season, I want to share with you a blogpost that every American should have to read. It is entitled: People Who Back Into Parking Spaces Can Kiss My Ass. And every word of it is true. Please retweet, or whatever.

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  1. December 1st, 2009 at 09:25 | #1


    I back in to all my spaces…I guess I owe you an ass-kissing. By the way, I have started a blog entitled “People who don’t want to wait for me to back in to a spaace can kiss my ass”.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Matt G
    December 5th, 2009 at 02:29 | #2

    How about


    They even have printouts!

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