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I dreamt about Rachel Maddow last night. Believe me, there was absolutely no sexual content, what with her dislike of wangs and the fact that I find her sisterly. She’s so cute! I just want to carry her around in a basket like Toto.

In the dream, she had made herself some kind of poster to have in the background during her show, except that the poster consisted of white cardboard letters pasted onto white posterboard. It did not occur to me at the time, but in retrospect I think that might be difficult to read, right?

Then we went into her office, which was large but very undecorated; white walls, tile floor, big picture windows. It kinda looked like a big dorm room, but with a desk in the middle with nothing on it. She revealed that during the summer, when (in the dreamverse) under normal circumstances the show would go on hiatus while she spent the summer on Fire Island, she would be permitted to appear on Sunday, Monday, and Thursday evenings doing her usual thing. We celebrated, and then Charles poked me in the eyeball and yelled “Wake up!”

Oddly, in the dream Rachel was very small, to fit in with my “cute” and “pockety” assessment of her; in real life she is apparently nearly six feet tall. I bet she plays a hell of a third base on a softball team.

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