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It burns when I pee. But that's not really your problem, so nevermind.

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Do you ever write a nasty note to a technical support group of some kind, and then when you receive a reply email, hesitate to open it because you know the techie wimp that sent it is going to sound all nice and reasonable, and have resolved your issue, and you're going to feel like a class 1-A jerk for being mean?

No? Oh. I guess it's just me then.

I sent an email to Blogger support about a week ago to complain about their new editing screen. They now have the option of a What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get (WYSIWYG) composer, so you can just type in your post, throw some Microsoft Word-style bolding and eye-talics and stuff on it, and hit submit. It's great for low-tech folks who don't know HTML.

As you can probably predict, I hate it. Luckily, they still give you the option of directly editing HTML code, although as of last week (they seem to have fixed it now) it had some problems, namely, it didn't work at all. I would create a post in HTML, save it as a "draft" (so that it doesn't immediately appear on the website), and then go back to edit it later and all my HTML tags were gone, replaced with some kind of weird default things that the Composer thought might be a nice idea. This resulted in me having multiple seizures, because at the time I was trying to edit that post with the Switchfoot lyrics, and it kept dumping each verse into one long line, ignoring my <BR> tags.

Anyway, I went to the blogger support page and sent them a note, the subject of which was "New editing screen SUH-UCKS." I also went to one of the developers' blogs, where he had posted a lengthy article about why the new WYSIWYG thing was so rad, and everybody should use it, and it will make everybody's life SOOOOOO much easier. I posted a comment that basically read, "Yes, WYSIWYG is cool, when it works, though most of the time it does not, so GIVE ME BACK MY PROPER HTML CODING, YOU COMMUNISTS! Also, fix the preview so that it posts actually appear as they would on my webpage. Scalawag."

In my defense, a commenter (the only commenter, since my readership consists of approximately 4 people and a shaved bison) did note that she agreed with me. So I do have justice on my side.

Anyway, I have received an email'd reply to my queries. I better bite the bullet and open it.

Yeah, they were nice. Bastards.


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